Put your company name in front of leading businesses and indie brands. 

We offer many educational and networking events throughout the year. Let our attendees know your company supports IBA’s mission to provide high-quality education and networking events that are affordable and accessible to businesses of all sizes. Check out our calendar for our upcoming virtual and in-person events. Contact Liz Gill, lgill@independentbeauty.org, to get started.

Explore sponsorship options for Virtual Conferences and In-Person Networking Receptions.

Virtual Conferences

Offered twice a year, fall and spring, this two-day virtual conference covers timely and topical technical, regulatory, and sustainability issues focusing on resulting practical implications for the industry’s beauty. 

View details for Cosmetics Convergence Fall & Spring Symposiums
Virtual Conferences – Sponsorship Options
Logo display on event promotional materials, event webpage,​ and during the event.✓ Prominent recognition as a Title Sponsor of the event✓ Prominent recognition as a Diamond Sponsor of the event✓ Logo Only✓ Logo Only✓ Logo Only
Recognition in pre- or post-event social media posts (IG or LinkedIn).✓ Dedicated pre- or post-event social posts for IG and/or LinkedIn✓ Dedicated pre- or post-event social posts for IG and/or LinkedInLogo Only, IBA & All Sponsors shared pre- and post-event social posts for LinkedInLogo Only, IBA & All Sponsors shared pre- and post-event social posts for LinkedInLogo Only, IBA & All Sponsors shared pre- and post-event social posts for LinkedIn
Break Sponsorship✓ Dedicated Break  Round Table Session, only one sponsor per break✓ Dedicated Break Round Table Session, only one sponsor per break✓ Dedicated Break Round Table Session, only one sponsor per break✓Shared Break Round Table Sessions – more than one sponsor per break, Sessions run concurrently, and each sponsor has their own break-out room
Acknowledgment by the President/Emcee during the program.At the welcome and closing of each day of the eventAt the welcome and closing of each day of the eventAt the welcome and closing of each day of the eventAt the welcome and closing of the day of the break
One week of recognition of your sponsorship on the IBA Homepage  ✓  – 
Members Circle Newsletter Article and/or AdvertisementArticle and an Ad in Members Circle NewsletterArticle in Members Circle NewsletterAd in Members Circle Newsletter
Speaking Opportunity / Acknowledgment Opportunity for Title sponsor to speak for two to three minutes at event Opportunity for Emcee to read a short sponsor description (subject to approval) at the event
“About the Sponsor” description on the event webpage. 
Complimentary tickets to the Event 4321


In-Person Networking Receptions at Industry Trade Shows

Held throughout the year, these in-person events are a fun and casual way for industry professionals to connect with and learn from successful local entrepreneurs and find suppliers and service providers.

View Upcoming Networking Events

In-Person Networking Receptions – Sponsorship Options
Logo display on event promotional materials, event webpage,​ and at the event✓ Prominent recognition as the Title Sponsor with IBA
✓ Logo on cocktail napkins
✓ Sponsor bespoke cocktail
✓ Logo’d co-branded venue-specific experience (ie, band, lounge, tour, etc)
✓ Prominent recognition as a Diamond Sponsor with IBA
✓ Logo on cocktail napkins
✓ Sponsor either a premium open bar or food for the event
✓ Recognition as a Platinum Sponsor with IBA
✓ Logo on cocktail napkins
✓ Sponsor either enhanced decor elements, or custom dessert station
✓ Logo Only✓ Logo Only✓ Logo Only
Recognition in pre- or post-event social media posts (IG or LinkedIn)✓ Dedicated pre- or post-event social posts for IG and/or LinkedIn✓ Dedicated pre- or post-event social posts for IG and/or LinkedIn✓ Shared with platinum sponsors, pre- and post-event social posts for IG and/or LinkedInLogo Only, IBA & All Sponsors shared pre- and post-event social posts for LinkedInLogo Only, IBA & All Sponsors shared pre- and post-event social posts for LinkedIn
Speaking Opportunity / Acknowledgment ✓ Opportunity to speak for 2-3 minutes at the event
✓ Recognition of sponsorship live by the President or Emcee
✓ Host or Emcee to read a short Sponsor description (subject to approval) live at the event✓ Host or Emcee recognition at the start of the event✓ Host or Emcee recognition at the start of the event✓ Host or Emcee recognition at the start of the event
One week of recognition of your sponsorship on the IBA Homepage Scroll
“About the Sponsor” description on the event webpage
Members Circle Newsletter Article and/or AdvertisementArticle and an Ad in Members Circle Newsletter  Article in Members Circle NewsletterAd in Members Circle Newsletter
Complimentary Tickets to the Event544321